What‌ ‌are‌ ‌Vue‌ ‌js‌ ‌and‌ ‌its‌ ‌benefits‌ 

VueJS is a Javascript-based framework that is used to create front-end web applications. Javascript empowers the applications and their interactive web components from animated graphics to photo slideshows. VueJS has a collection of JS code libraries that provides templates of pre-written codes to the developers to speed up the web development process. It also offers functionality to HTML-based apps and extends the HTML attributes called directives. 

There are multiple practices for VueJS development, and all of them end up benefiting the front-end developers. Let us have a look at these advantages. 

Benefits of using VueJS development framework 

It’s Lightweight

Other frameworks take up massive storage space whereas VueJS is small in size i.e. 18-21 kb. Being a lightweight frontend development framework is one of the biggest advantages of VueJS. The benefits of lightweights are lesser download time, and site loading time which is very SEO friendly. It is good for the performance of the app too. 

Easy To Learn

VueJS is not like other programming languages that are too complicated to learn, let alone master. Developers leverage this framework to achieve great results with less effort. If you want to start using VueJS, then you only need to have basic knowledge in javascript, HTML, and CSS. This framework can help you build small as well as large-scale applications and it is very easy to trace errors using Vue JS. 

Extensive Documentation

VueJS has extensive documentation which makes technology easy to use and bugs easy to fix. Good documentation is very important when you start using a new development framework. Also, the documentation in VueJS is regularly updated to cope up with the changes in JS and industry best practices. 

Easy Integration

Nothing is constant and every trend is meant to change in the software development industry. Therefore a technology needs to be flexible and scalable. And it is easy for developers to integrate the VueJS framework with other existing apps because it can support third-party libraries and components. You can also add VueJS on top of any other JS framework as simply as adding a VueJS CDN. It is a great replacement for JQuery. 

Great Community And Support

VueJS has got the support of a great community of developers that constantly work to improve the framework and add the latest feature to it. The expert developers here are passionate about fixing the issues that arise. When you are working on a new technology, it is important to have the support of a responsive community because you need to make sure that your problems and new bugs are dealt with faster. 

Suitable For Different Projects

Being a scalable framework, VueJS can be used for creating both small as well as large-scale apps. Its ecosystem offers a toolkit to build large-scale, single-page apps. VueJS is created by taking inspiration from ReactJS and AngularJS so it consists of the best of best of both frameworks to balance the development process.

Used By Major Companies

Many top companies and brands are leveraging this framework to increase their reach and business revenue. Netflix, Adobe, Behance, Xiaomi, Grammarly, Codeship, and Zoom are the names of some top companies that are reaping the benefits of the VueJS framework. 

Consider Using VueJS For Your Next Project

So, in this article, we discussed the benefits of using VueJS and how top companies leverage it to their advantage. So if you too are planning to build a new website or a web application then why don’t you consider using the VueJS framework?

Vue Best Practices to follow in 2021

Table of Content
1. Overview
2. Vue.js best practices to follow in 2021
-Shortcut component registration
-Use kebab case
-Data initialization
-Use API factories
-Use key property
3. Conclusion


As we all know, the demand for Vue.js has been continuously increasing in the last few years. There are many reasons behind the popularity of Vue.js such as it is user-friendly, has few restrictions, easy integration, and much more that makes the development process easier and faster. These reasons have encouraged Vue.js to compete with React and Angular in many aspects. 

Vue.js is one of the most popular and leading progressive frameworks of JavaScript for creating interactive UIs when it comes to modern front-end development. It is a tool that helps developers to create unique applications, improve performance and respond quickly to innovations in your sector, all required is to follow the Best Vue.js Practices. Apart from that, the technology is widely used because of its active community support, interesting patterns, easy learning curve, and vast library which makes the development process faster. 

In this post, we’re going to discuss some best Vue.js security practices that you should follow in 2021 and beyond. So, without any further ado, let’s get started!

Best Vue.js Practices

1. Shortcut component registration

To utilize components, it is required to import other components and register them like this:

import MyAwesomeComponent from ‘./my-awesome-component.vue’;
…components: {   
‘my-awesome-component’: MyAwesomeComponent}

Else, here is another simple method to register the components:

components: {


2. Use Kebab case

The components and elements that you’re using should be a naming convention that is in kebab-case so that developers can substitute the spaces between words with a dash.

Here is the example where we have written the code to nest components and release new events:

   <button @click=”increment”>Increment</button>
export default {
 name: “count-button”,
 methods: {
   increment() {

In app.vue:

 <div id=”app”>
   <count-button @increase-count=”count++”></count-button>
import CountButton from “./components/CountButton.vue”;
export default {
 name: “App”,
 components: {
 data() {
   return {
     count: 0


3. Data Initialization

As we all know, the data observation model in Vue.js supports deterministic data models to initialize the data properties. 

For example:

<div id=”demo”>
 <p v-class=”green: validation.valid”>{{message}}</p>
 <input v-model=”message”>

Make sure you’re not initializing an empty object, prefer to initialize your data like this:

new Vue({
 el: ‘#demo’,
 data: {
   message: ”,
   validation: {
     valid: false


You’re not required to set each nested property in your data. Initialising data as an empty object and setting new objects using nested structures afterward is also possible. 

4. Use API factories

We can create a this.$api helper to fetch API endpoints including all classes, like this:

├── auth.js
├── notifications.js
└── teams.js

To initialize this pattern with a plugin in any Nuxt app is a similar process like we did in a standard Vue app. 

import Auth from “@/api/auth”;
import Teams from “@/api/teams”;
import Notifications from “@/api/notifications”;

export default (context, inject) => {
  if (process.client) {
    const token = localStorage.getItem(“token”);
    // Set token when defined
    if (token) {
      context.$axios.setToken(token, “Bearer”);
  // Initialize API repositories
  const repositories = {
    auth: Auth(context.$axios),
    teams: Teams(context.$axios),
    notifications: Notifications(context.$axios)
  inject(“api”, repositories);

export default $axios => ({
  forgotPassword(email) {
    return $axios.$post(“/auth/password/forgot”, { email });

  login(email, password) {
    return $axios.$post(“/auth/login”, { email, password });

  logout() {
    return $axios.$get(“/auth/logout”);

  register(payload) {
    return $axios.$post(“/auth/register”, payload);

Now, call them in components like this:

export default {
  methods: {
    onSubmit() {
      try {
        this.$api.auth.login(this.email, this.password);
      } catch (error) {


5. Use Key property

You can use key properties while reusing a component to separate each of them and assume you have to use the same component for flipping also. 

If you’re using a key property in your code, <template v-for> with a child that uses v-if, the key should be moved up to the <template> tag.

<!– Vue 2.x –>
<template v-for=”item in list”>
  <div v-if=”item.isVisible” :key=”item.id”>…</div>
  <span v-else :key=”item.id”>…</span>

<!– Vue 3.x –>
<template v-for=”item in list” :key=”item.id”>
  <div v-if=”item.isVisible”>…</div>
  <span v-else>…</span>


And that’s it!

With this, we end our article here, and hopefully, you found this post helpful and will help you in maintaining the best Vue.js practices while developing an app. With our expertise and experience, we came up with these tricks that make the task of developers easy and the development process smooth. 

Top Vue Development Tools

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • What is Vue.js?
  • Top Vue Development Tools of 2021
  • Conclusion

There were days when Vue.js was popular because of its advanced JavaScript approaches. But now, it is widely used as a frontend framework that can help developers to easily develop applications that are user-friendly. With Vue.js, developers can create UIs elegantly and efficiently. And it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced developer unless you have perfect knowledge of Vue and its best practices, you can work with it efficiently. Besides this, Vue offers in-detail documentation, functionality-driven structure, and an easy learning curve for its developers. 

This JavaScript framework helps in creating user interfaces and single-page applications and offers a development cycle that is effective and unique for creating such apps. In this blog, we will have a look at Vue.js and some of the popular Vue development tools that experts use. 

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that developers use to create front-end and single-page applications for both mobile and web. Many big giants like Monito, NASA, Gitlab, Adobe, and  Chess.com have adopted the Vue.js framework for their business projects. This technology comes with various development tools that enable the developer to save a lot of time and deliver the project faster. And this is why it is becoming one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks in the market. 

Top Vue Development Tools of 2021

Some of the top Vue.js tools are – 


The official Vue.js guide is something that can help developers to start using the Vue framework. It comes with Vue.js API documentation, a comprehensive learning guide, code samples, and the official code style guide. This also helps the development team of any company to get in touch with the Vue community by simply joining the forum.


Vue Starter is a tool that is popularly used for creating PWAs (progressive web applications). The main focus of this tool is to offer better performance and development speed. Developers who use Vue Starter get to use tons of optimizations. Basically, this tool is the go-to boilerplate if the developer wants to create a PWA.

  1. VUE CLI 3

Vue CLI 3 is a Vue.js development tool with a standard and rapid toolkit. It offers excellent support for developer tools like PostCSS, Babel, ESLint, and TypeScript. This tool has a graphical user interface that enables the developers to easily and quickly prototype the Vue.js app.

  1. NUXT.JS

Nuxt.js is a Vue.js framework that developers use when they want to create a performance-optimized single-page app and user interfaces. Because of this tool, server-side rendering (SSR) of Vue.js apps is possible. The rendering process helps businesses to improve the SEO of their web apps.


The last Vue.js development tool in our list is Vue Design System. It is an open-source boilerplate that is used for creating UI design systems. It includes patterns, a set of tools, and practices that the developers can use as a foundation for their project. Besides this, Vue Design System is a tool that is built on the best Vue Styleguidist style guide generator.


As seen in this blog, Vue.js is a popular framework amongst developers when it comes to creating user interfaces and single-page applications for their clients. This technology comes with various tools, some of which we discussed today. These tools help the developers create user-friendly, effective, robust, and secure applications.

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